Fostering peace, and ensuring fundamental rights

Our vision is a South Sudan where all individuals have access to basic needs, live in peace and harmony, are empowered to improve their lives, and enjoy their fundamental rights as human beings.

About us

Compassion Humanity Organization (CHO) is national a non-profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to providing aid, support, and resources to the people of South Sudan. CHO’s primary goal is to promote compassion, understanding, and empathy among its members and the communities they serve.

Core Values

Human Rights

We are committed to upholding the fundamental rights of all individuals, regardless of their background or circumstances.CHO works to ensure that everyone has access to the resources and opportunities they need to thrive.


We believes in empowering individuals and communities to take control of their own futures by providing them with the necessary tools and resources.


CHO understands that lasting change requires long-term commitment and collaboration. The organization focuses on implementing sustainable solutions that will continue to benefit the people of South Sudan long after its initial involvement.

Transparency & Accountability

We are dedicated to being open and transparent in our operations, ensuring that all stakeholders have access to the information they need to make informed decisions. CHO is committed to being accountable for its actions and the impact they have on the lives of the beneficiaies in South Sudan and other part of the world people.


Target Audience

Men,Women, Girls, Children, Youth, IDPs, Refugees and Returnees, People with Disability (PWD), Local government, Law enforcing agencies

Thematic Areas

⦁ Protection,
⦁ Governance,
⦁ Advocacy,
⦁ Environmental and Climate Change,
⦁ Gender Equality,
⦁ Basic Education & Development,
⦁ Health Promotion & Disease Prevention.
⦁ Conflict Resolution & Peace


Expand geographical reach

Over the next five years, the organization aims to expand its operations to reach more remote and underserved areas of South Sudan.

Enhance emergency response capabilities

The organization will focus on enhancing its emergency response capabilities to effectively respond to sudden-onset

Strengthen community resilience

A key strategic goal is to strengthen the resilience of local communities by implementing sustainable

Foster partnerships and collaboration

The organization recognizes the importance of partnerships and collaboration in achieving its goals

Build organizational capacity

To ensure long-term sustainability and effectiveness, the organization will prioritize building its organizational capacity.

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